The history of Friedland Moravian Church began in the 1740s and ’50s when a number of German Moravians came to the New World and settled in Broadbay in what is now Maine. The New England climate was too harsh for many of them, and they decided to search for a more hospitable location to settle. It so happened that their pastor was George Soelle, a Moravian minister, and he knew that his church had recently bought Wachovia, consisting of 100,000 acres of land in central North Carolina. So the families set sail, and enduring shipwreck, seasickness, and fever, they arrived in Wachovia in two waves in November 1769 and autumn 1770.

Once here, the Broadbayers found a calmer climate, and a place of their own after the Moravian Church set aside about 2,000 acres of land for them, and each family took up 200 acres, with 30 acres in the middle reserved for the church.

The settlement was organized into a society of the Moravian Church on July 21, 1771, and Friedland Moravian Church (pronounced FREEDLAND) was formally organized as a congregation on September 3, 1780.

Friedland Moravian Church Exterior
Moravian Star Friedland Moravian

those are the historical facts,
but what is Friedland Moravian Church?

Throughout the decades and centuries, several themes have come to define Friedland Moravian Church. The congregation THRIVES as an active participant in God’s kingdom by encouraging people in their FAITH, growing together through FELLOWSHIP, and welcoming all into a COMMUNITY in service to God the Father, and His son, Jesus Christ.

As Moravians, we are guided by these words: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, love.” We strive to live the “essentials” of the Christian life by acknowledging God creates, God redeems, and God sustains. We respond to God’s actions with faith, love, and hope. We recognize the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, and we work hard every day in growing a THRIVING COMMUNITY that is well-equipped to serve one another, and the world God has blessed us to serve.

Sunday School begins at 10:00 am with classes for all ages. Worship service begins at 11 am. If you are unable to attend in person, our services are livestreamed weekly as well.

Friedland Moravian Church Star Logo


All are welcome to attend Friedland Moravian Church, and we invite you to “come as you are,” and to participate at your own comfort level. Our sanctuary is wheelchair accessible, and we have a convenient passenger drop-off point at the western side of the building.

All are welcomed by greeters who will answer your questions, and ushers are available as you may need assistance.


Moravian Seal Friedland Moravian


Friedland Moravian Church Organ