The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and reburied; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Matthew 13:44
Pastor John Writes:
Jesus told parables comparing the kingdom of heaven to numerous things, including treasure hidden in a field. The Greek word for “treasure” is “thesauros” and it is the root for the word “thesaurus,” a storehouse or treasure of synonyms. A “thesauros” is literally a receptacle of valuables.
The idea of burying our treasure might sound strange to us today, but it was common practice to people in the days of Jesus. Although there were banks in the ancient world, ordinary people would not have access to them, and many would use the ground as the safest place to store their most cherished belongings.
What are the valuable things we cherish? Most of us would say our family, our friends, and our health are valuable. Many of us would also say that our faith, our faith in God’s kingdom, is valuable to us. In Jesus’ one-sentence parable, he emphasizes the importance of desiring, longing for, and doing whatever it takes to go after something of the greatest importance. We are encouraged to pursue God’s kingdom, even though it may be difficult for us to recognize at times.
Sometimes people seem to believe that God only shows up in the most glorious or successful moments. Yet, Jesus reminds us that God surrounds us at all times, and God is present in our small and humble efforts. God’s kingdom involves simple, everyday deeds done consistently in faith and hope.
Nothing in this world lasts forever, but God’s kingdom is everlasting. May we continue to find our hope and our true fulfillment through our Lord who redeems us and sustains us, day after day.
Peace to you,
The Rev. John G. Rights